Thursday, January 12, 2012

Today was an overall good day!  I ate three meals and satisfied my sweet tooth with some frozen yogurt.  I was not able to get to the gym today because of my work hours but I was able to get lots of movement in by sticking all day.  Sometimes I find my work schedule is my biggest challenge for sticking to a healthy diet and the gym because of the hours we work.  I know I can do it though.  I am going to order the supplement to help boost my energy.  Hopefully that will help with the hours I work to get me into the gym.  I am also ordering some sketchers shape-ups tomorrow and some workout clothes too! Got to do what I need to do in order to get this weight off!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

start of the journey

I am starting this journey to get healthy and be happy.  Having Rheumatoid Arthritis and the family history has really had an impact on my life.  My current weight is 245.  My goal weight is 145lbs.  So far in the last year and a half I have lost over 100 lbs.  Currently I am working out at the YMCA and doing weight watchers.  One of my donors also suggested some supplements that have really worked for her and helepd her lose weight.  I have always been scared to try supplements, but there is one for energy that peaked my interest.  I am thinking about ordering it to try!  I figure it cannot hurt and more energy to work out would be awesome!  If anyone has any suggestions that would be great.  Also I would love extra motivation and encouragement!  This road is not going to be easy but I believe I can do it!