Tuesday, March 5, 2013

This has been a rough start to the year and I have fallen behind in my weight loss goals.  My RA has been acting up and I will have to surgery on my feet.  I am determined not to let that deter me from continuing to try and loose weight.  I will not let this get the best of me!  We have been eating healthier and buying smarter choices in terms of our food selection.  Cooking at home has made a huge difference.  Hopefully once we move I can rejoin the gym and get back into an exercise routine!  I sure hope this gets better as Spring rolls around.  I have lost 8lbs though since February so I know I can do it!  I just need to keep my head up and remember that the goal is healthy not just skinny!  I have to many risk factors in my family so the least I can do is get healthy and reduce the risk. If you don't know I have rheumatoid arthritis which according to the first doctor I went to should have put me in a wheel chair 4 years ago.  Good thing I am a stubborn pain the the rear end! I have days where I cannot walk because my joints are so swollen, can't put on shoes and socks, or even do something simple like wash my hair.  It has not been easy and the medications do not help with the weight.  Heart disease, diabetes, cancer and autoimmune disorders run in my family history.  I have to get healthy in the best way I can because the RA increases my risk by 1000 times over a healthy person.  So whether I work with you, your my family or my friends please help me on this journey!  I know I can do it if everyone pitches in and helps!  I just want some of my life back.  I'm tired of only being able to physically function 4-5 hours a day doing simple things such as walking or playing with my nieces.  This is a mental and physical journey so I can get my life back.  I want to be back to the happy go lucky woman who loves to take trips and adventures and not the person I have become being dependant on someone when I have a flare up and not being able to go far from the house.

Love you all,

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